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pfSense 2.3 has been released

pfSense® 2.3 has just been released, as of 13 April 2016.

For you all you hardcore ‪pfSense® fans, you can update your install by going to

System > Firmware > Auto Update

in the WebGUI.

Just make sure to backup your config file before you do (and maybe even your entire install, just to be on the safe side).

pfSense 2.3 new look

This new version of pfSense® now uses bcrypt to secure your password, but it will only be updated when you change your password, so your existing password will continue to work.

Other important changes include:

  • pfSense® is now based on FreeBSD 10.3, so it should have better support for 802.11n
  • The number of available packages has been significantly reduced
  • There’s a completely new look to the WebGUI, now based on the Bootstrap framework
  • 1GB NanoBSD images have been removed, because they’re weren’t large enough to accommodate the system and updates, so now the default available sizes are 2GB and 4GB
  • The PPTP VPN server has been completely removed, but the PPTP WAN client remains for IPSs still using PPTP
  • The LiveCD platform has been removed. You can use the ISO as a bootable installer, but it can’t run a live system

And plenty more.

We’ll take a look at the new version of pfSense® soon, and start offering it as the default on our boxes when we’re happy that it’s working well.

In the meantime, you can request it pre-installed on any server you buy – just call us or leave a note in the comments when you place your order.

For more details on what’s new in pfSense 2.3, visit the pfSense® changelog here:

So what do you think of the latest release?

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